Reasons to Believe

Wooo-hooooooo!!!! WOW!!! This ep was soooo great!!! OK, I admit it, half of the hyperness is because I was desperate to see a new ep (read “see more of Robert Downey, Jr.” :)))))) rather than rewatch taped ones, but still… AWESOME!!! The acting, the writing, the whole whirlpool of events, everything!!! Loved the case. Ally & John, as well as Nicholas, were fabulous in it:) Speaking of Ally, must I repeat that Ally & Larry are sooooo unbelievably adorable together?!!!! Let’s stay on the cases for now, though…
1. Heche was fantastic. So was John. His “brother Ally McBeal” (LMAO!!!) was really great, too:) John’s closing was fab – I really admire the way he always finds a way to stand up for his client not only in issue concerning the case, but in personal ones, too… Case #2 was interesting, too, and I loved the way they were connected through one person who brought so much to both of them (Nicholas)… Most people think love soon after marriage turns into a habit, but I strongly believe there’s love that DOES last forever… Even into old age, as sentimental as that may sound. And love involves all sorts of sacrifices, and, playing devil’s advocate for a second, I think one of the things Brandy *wasn’t* willing to do was UNDERSTAND why Nicholas wanted to stay at his job. Gotta love Larry: “Let’s start out in nice civil tones and then build towards the anger…” and “What do you want to do with him? … Keep it clean…” His expression in response to John’s “Lord knows how you massage Ally!” was fantastic:)))) Aaaahhhh!!! I love the guy!!! (Can you believe this?! I actually met someone today who DIDN’T like him as an actor OR a man… I never even knew that was possible! J/k :op)
2. Now we move on to personal issues… Nelle is DESPERATELY in need of someone to love. Now of course she & Larry together are out of the question, but I – being the sucker for romance that I am – still have faith that one day she & JOHN will be together *ducks to avoid being hit by spears thrown by John + Ally shippers* Contrary to popular belief, I think Nelle has a good heart… Really! She does! Now, of course she was jealous that *Ally* got a great guy, though she was masterful at trying to hide it… but to me Nelle is a perfect portrait of what every woman conceals she really is – or *wants* to be. What is it exactly? Decide yourself.
3. Great ep for Fishisms, too – “Respect only gets so far; for true love – it’s chemicals” :) Now, while I must admit it’s nice to see everyone happy & all, Mark is… well, unattractive. And he’s a nice guy, no doubt, but for some reason to me it seems DEK was just wanting to finally pair Elaine up with someone, and what better choice than the ONLY choice… Now, couples made up out of despair to pair up – neither on TV nor in real life – just don’t look as good as the rest… (What Alex was REALLY trying to say was that this “partnership” doesn’t look too good… It’s amazing what complex phrasing I come up with sometimes…

‘Kay, that’s about it. Great ep! And, um, before I leave, let me just say this in advance concerning next week’s ep so I get it out of my system for at least a week, and next week will be a different story – I OFFICIALLY HATE JAMIE. Like, seriously. VERY MUCH, for that matter. You anti-Nelle people are looking to find The Bitch with a capital “B” – look in the direction of Ms. “I-wanna-get-back-together-partially-cause-of-our-son-but-in-reality-cause-I’m-desperate-for-attention-and-what-better-place-to-get-it-than-in-an-ex’s-arms”… arrrrgh. I’m personally acquainted with a representative of the species, so to speak, and… well, we’re not the best of friends. So I’m serving double duty in loathing Jamie here…

G’night, fellow “Ally” fans:)

P.S. They. Are. So. CUTE. Together!!!
