NEW PICS!!! Thanks so much to Maria & Lav:) *PLEASE ask me before copying them!* So, Enjoy!

ARRRGH - I *really* need to revamp this, I know, but I'm short on time, so... I just added the newest pics really quickly. I'll get around to organizing it in the nearest few days, okay?:)

~All pictures are thumbnailed~
~All pictures are copyright (c) of their respective owners; no (c) infringement intended~

2001 Golden Globes

Calista @ GGs 99 Calista @ GGs 99 (2) Calista @ GGs 99 (3)
Cast @ Emmys 99 Calista @ SAGs 99 Calista @ SAGs 99 (2)
Calista @ GGs 99 (4) Courtney @ Emmys 99
Calista montage f/Emmys 98
Calista @ Emmys 99 Lucy @ Emmys 99 Jane @ Emmys 99
Calista @ Emmys 98 Calista @ Emmys 98 (2) Tracey [Ullman] @ Emmys 99
Calista @ GGs 99 (5) Lisa @ Emmys 99 Portia @ Emmys 99